
On the sidebar, you will see there is a heading reading ‘Spotlights’. Under that there will be what I call a ‘spotlight website’ of which I want to help earn traffic.

The spotlight website will be chosen by me and changed whenever I feel. The qualities I’m looking for are nothing more than hard work and a smiley face. Impressive HQ content would be a bonus of course, but it is not required. Your site may be any genre, except illegal, racist or adult. You do not have to put up a return link for this. The idea is to put a new link now and again on the sidebar to try and divert traffic to rising star or good quality websites.

If you wish to put yourself forward as a possible candidate or nominate another site, then feel free to leave the following details in the ‘Message:’ part of the comments and one day, you may be the spotlight website. PLease note that not everyone can be a spotlight website. It’s only one at a time.


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