How to Wear Pyjamas for Ages

Grand announcement. I am writing this blog in my pyjamas. That’s exciting, in case you hadn’t realised, because it’s gone 9:30 on a Monday morning. This is, therefore, abnormal. And abnormal is cool.

The big news of today, is that, tomorrow (31st July), my short film screenplay, which I have been working on very slowly over the past month, will be completed and released into the world of development. As a short word of warning to any budding independent filmmakers: Bleddy hell, it’s a lot of work! I spent a month scripting, which leaves me only one more month to cast, plan, locate and film everything. Granted, it’s only a little film, but, my god, that’s not a lot of time.

So to clear up any confusion, I’m a totally amateur filmmaker and I made it my summer goal to create a short film, producing, directing, writing, filming and editing all by my lonesome. That gave me 8 weeks to do as would on a budget of next to nothing. Yes, I’m well aware that this project wasn’t something light and it’s possible it could be a flying disaster, but what’s that saying again? If you don’t try…

You must be wondering how, with all this going on, I’m still able to sit in my pyjamas until gone 10 o clock. Well… erm.

Now, I have to briefly mention the Olympics Opening Ceremony because I think it would appear ignorant if I didn’t. Although I’ll keep it short as I’m sure you’ve heard it a lot. Basically, it was very British, but I think it was understandable to others if you didn’t try to over-analyse it. From my observations, the Americans got it and the Australians sort of got it. A lot of the other nations made some comments about how it was ‘dazzling’. I’ll leave you to deduct what you will from that. I get why, though.

However, the main principle of the ceremony was to express British-ness through celebration of the people: the normal people. There was no person left out. The set change was referring to the people building the city; the industrial revolution. The Queen admittedly got her part *winks*. But yes. It celebrated the people and not just the establishment. If that makes any sense. Until next time, wonderful people <3.